Sebastian Barzaghi

Sebastian Barzaghi

Research fellow - Data modeler - Developer - Teacher

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna


Research fellow at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna. Graduated in 2020 from the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) master’s program at the University of Bologna, I currently work at the FrameLAB research laboratory on various projects related to the application of Semantic Web methodologies and technologies. Specifically, my research interests focus on Data Modeling, Cultural Data Analytics and Open Science in the Humanities and Cultural Heritage domains.

  • Data Modeling
  • Cultural Data Analytics
  • Open Science
  • Master in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge, 2020

    University of Bologna

  • Bachelor in Cultural Heritage, 2017

    University of Milan


University of Bologna
Research fellow
March 2023 – Present Ravenna (RA), Italy
I am carrying out research activities within the framework of the ‘CHANGES’ project (PE5 of the PNRR), focusing on improving interaction with tangible and intangible cultural heritage objects in museums and art collections through the use of innovative virtual technologies, and developing a common operational language (methodologies, standards, operatinal practices) among the entities involved in various capacities in the processes of restoration, conservation, maintenance, and management of cultural heritage.
UX designer and Information Architect
December 2021 – March 2023 Casalecchio di Reno (BO), Italy
I carried out activities related to support and design of large and complex portals and websites, for universities and research institutions. In particular, I focused on requirements collection, information architecture, content modelling, wireframing, development support, quality control, accessibility and usability testing, drafting documentation, client training, and ordinary management of support tickets opened by clients.
University of Bologna
June 2020 – December 2021 Bologna (BO), Italy
I carried out activities related to the design and development of a digital edition of Aldo Moro’s works. In particular, I focused on data modelling, information architecture, data analysis, web development, data wrangling, UX design, project management, drafting documentation, supervision and training.

Recent Publications

(2024). Thinking Outside the Black Box: Insights from a Digital Exhibition in the Humanities.


(2024). Developing Application Profiles for Enhancing Data and Workflows in Cultural Heritage Digitisation Processes. arXiv.


(2024). Thinking Outside the Black Box: Insights from a Digital Exhibition in the Humanities. arXiv.


(2023). Saving temporary exhibitions in virtual environments: the Digital Renaissance of Ulisse Aldrovandi. arXiv.



Cultural Heritage Acquisition and Digitisation Application Profile (CHAD-AP)
The Cultural Heritage Acquisition and Digitisation Application Profile (CHAD-AP) is a CIDOC CRM application profile implemented as an OWL 2 DL ontology for describing cultural heritage digitisation data and processes in a FAIR-compliant and machine-readable format.
Cultural Heritage Acquisition and Digitisation Application Profile (CHAD-AP)
Heritage Risk Assessment Ontology (HeRO)
The Heritage Risk Assessment Ontology (HeRO) is an OWL 2 DL ontology that aims at providing a framework for modeling machine-readable descriptions of risk assessment activities for heritage risk management. To this end, it leverages, adapts and formalises methodological frameworks widely known in the cultural heritage domain, such as the ABC method.
Heritage Risk Assessment Ontology (HeRO)
National Edition of Aldo Moro’s works
The National Edition of Aldo Moro’s works is a critical digital edition of the published and unpublished texts of the famous Italian politician. It aims to provide a cultural product that is universally available to all citizens and propose a new standard for national and international research in political communication.
National Edition of Aldo Moro's works
Medieval Manuscript Ontology (MeMO)
The Medieval Manuscripts Ontology (MeMO) is an OWL 2 DL ontology that aims to provide a framework for the formal description of the collection of medieval codices and manuscripts. It has been developed in the context of Progetto IRNERIO, according to certain requirements and with the possibility to extend it for representing similar resources that exist in other collections.
Medieval Manuscript Ontology (MeMO)

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